Wednesday, 22 October 2008

communal living is a hell ofa thing; Day24

So that I don't violate any defamation laws what i have to say on the area will be limited.

It had been so weird for the last 4 days on 13.4, i cannot find my bowl, my friend cannot find her drinking glass after using it 1 hour prior and what took the cake is that my other friend bought a bunch of bananas and some left one for her. AH BOI.

Now it is so weird, the weirdness of which I will leave as any assumptions that will be made can be defamatory. All i will say is 2 weeks prior this problem didnt come up. ....But we decided to conduct our own investigation and urs truly is the head of the cease and desist squad. I am also the Judge and the Jury and morever will counsel the guilty if captured.

Anyway i am getting ready for class and then going to LOndon for a seminar on counter-terrorism. Will tell you how that goes later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine ...but your blog give you away! two weeks ago other movements' happened in the flat...hmmm. If it continues let the resident tutor deal with it...try nu get involve!