Saturday, 29 November 2008

Hanging: The human rights debate and the struggle of a human rights student

Recently, there has been great debate in JA about the issue of hanging. As a current student, studying human rights I realised that there is a conflict, a struggle I just cannot grapple with in relation to how human rights advocates have treated the issue of human rights viz a vie the rights of the criminal. Notice I have not used the word defendant as when you are a criminal it means that you have been tried and convicted. Once you have been convicted I still believe that you should be treated humanely, that is you cannot be beaten willynilly or subjected to cruel conditions in prison if that is your sentence. But the issue is where do we draw the line. If the criminal has been correctly convicted what are his rights after conviction? Should he have rights in relation to his sentencing? How do we balance the rights of the victims either the loved ones of the deceased or those who live to recount the events.

I read Mr. Neita's Letter published in the Gleaner November 29, 2008, where he recounted his experience 30 years ago when he was face to face with the nuzzle of a gun when he and his other colleagues were robbed by a group of armed men. His article raised a few interesting points about whether or not Amnesty or Dr. Gomes had ever had any such traumatic experiences. Such a question in my mind raise the inference that since they have not had these experiences they cannot relate to the realities of the situation. It may even be argued that God forbid that any of them should go through a very cruelsome event and live to tell the tale they may have a different spin on many issues they now advocate on behalf of. Remember flo o'occoner where is she now?

It further begs the question of why is it that when we speak of the death penalty it is automatic that Human Rights Advocates think of cruel, inhuman treatment. Some even would like to say it is torture.

The trouble with such logic is that there has been no patent view by these advocates about how we should view on the other hand what the victims of these vicious attacks went through. I am sure that Mr. Neita would view what he experienced 30 years ago as cruel and inhuman. I am sure the little baby who several weeks ago was raped and murdered that such a situation is torture, cruel, and inhuman. I am sure that the plight of the over 900 persons who have been murdered viciously since the start of the year is more than cruel inhuman and degrading once we get into the nittygritty of how they were killed.

My country is getting into a cesspool of killings and tragedies that is stinking more and more as the day goes by. I agree that the Death Penalty may not solve all our problems. It will not solve the corruption problem (as we do not hang the corrupt), it will not solve our economic crisis, or the rise in truancy just to name a few of our problems. But we must start somewhere, since keeping them in horizon hotel (as Mr. Charles stated) is not solving one essential problem. Dr. Gomes and Amnesty apart from advocating for the rights of these criminals why not think about the victims on the flip side for a change. We need practical solutions to our problems and human rights is not a one sided coin. There are many players in the field, the nature of the law in this regard is that it is equal and applicable to all individuals and when you focus on the criminals in this regard what message are you sending to the victims of these henious crimes? What should the mothers, brothers, sisters, wives, husbands of this country who have lost their loved ones to the gun glean from your subliminal message? Certainly not one of hope.

Sunday, 23 November 2008

snow in colchester

It was exciting when i woke up this morning. I looked outside and there i saw some white sheets falling from the sky. I was like WHAT is that!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my lord and yes it was my first snow. I was excited and started waking up everyone in my flat. I was calling out VAl, Mando, Goli~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....................only Goli came out after i banged on her door like a crazy nut case. She looked on me and said huh. I said look pointing like some crazy kid. It is snowing its snowing. She said "comeon, is this the first time you are seeing snow. I said yes. she said ok. I said ok then i gone to take pictures. I attach some pics of my first snow day ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. it did COLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD nuh wah afterwards though.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Stomach Bug and all these things. Month 2. Week 10

So it has been a while since i blogged and this is due to one reason only. I was sick for 2 weeks with some sort of viral infection/stomach bug as they call it over here.

Now for some time. Maybe from November 3 i have been having some bad cramps at nights, when i eat or drink. Around the 4th i decided to visit the health centre as it was becoming unbareable, this then set about a chain of events that changed my life for the next 2 weeks.

Day one
1. Went to health centre. First saw a nurse, she asked me a bunch of questions and was typing on her PC. She then gave her opinion of what i had based on questions asked and answered. She then refered me to doctor

2. Saw Doctor. Doctor did same thing only then she feel up mi belly. Then said i had acid reflux and gave me some tablets for it

Day two:
1. In my room trying to work, a piece a pain lick me. Then i felt vomitish. THe pain was persistent and the nausea was getting bad. I was alone in my dorm. All the girls went to class. I had no class it was to be movie day. When i realised i couldnt manage i called keisha, who called her friend to come and see if i was ok. He then inturn called security who called me. This was the convo

"Hey mam this is security are you ok?
"No i am not ok, i am in pain and i cannot manage

Did you go to the health centre?
Yes i did

Did they give u tablets
Yes they did

Then you will be fine Mam, keep warm take care.

Now i was pissed. they didnt help me. I am in pain and you tell me to keep warm. Anyway Keisha's friend came and he was there with me praying with me until keisha came and then she said no you need to go back to health centre. So we went back.

I saw the same nurse who did the same thing and i told her i want to see another doctor. She refused and said what about continuity. I was this short from telling her where to shove her continuity. Anyway i saw another doctor who told me is not acid reflux but a virus from something i ate or drank. But like first doctor he only touch up mi belly.

From these two experiences my view is that would never happen in JA. Even if you tell doctor you head or hand hurt they taking pressure and everything.

Anyway day 3.

Now i start throwing up again and having fever and shakes and bad pain. My flat mate is worried and calls security again. A man comes sees my condition and then decides to call the ambulance. My friend is happy as she says finally the hospital will make a difference. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmm

Well ambulance comes. Parameds come and take me and take my pressure and everything. So far i feel confident about this. Went to hospital and i saw three different nurses who asked me the same question. One of them pissed me off when she asked me if i took any medication for the pain and i told her i dont like taking medication and then she said.............OH but you come to a hospital?

I was this close to telling her about some cloths at Pablo's. She got off the hook only because they took test, urine and blood. Anyway then i saw doctor Guyanese descent and yes he asked me the same question like the 3 nurses.

After 3 hours there, and several million questions later they gave me another set of medication. All now mi nuh tek it not after the first experience at health centre and i was placed on a diet for 3 days. Well for the next week and half i was on this diet because whatever in my system was not going away.

Then i decided to make some contact in Ja and found a friend whose sis is a doc in UK. Good to say she took care of me and reassured me i was getting better. After 5 pounds i am now better.

But i have learnt my lesson

1. Dont dash we u 3rd world doctor
2. British food nasty and mess up my system
3. Health centre want a change and NOW>

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Month 2; Work and Play

Yes I know it has been a while since i have blogged, the work has gotten to me now and since I am on a break I will try and sum of the events that have taken place since the last blog.

1. My assignment question came out. I am trying to attack it rigorously

2. I have been ill: I am trying to try different food, all to my detriment. went to doctor after I couldnt bear the pain any more. She thinks it is some gastro problem and as given me some tablets. If it continues however i need to return. I am praying that it doesnt as the pain/cramps are horrible, cannot function when they occur.

3. Went to Clacton on the sea with my flat mate; pics attached. We went on a ride in the amusement park....hmmmm wrong move. At least it helped destressed

4. My flat mates and I celebrated our first month living together with a nice dinner in our kitchen and we all had to dress up.

5. Went to london for a seminar at a well known Chambers, and then dinner at a nice spanish restaurant afterwards

Well that is all for now.